24.10.2020, 14:38
vypni si synchronizaciu obrazu k TV, zapni preposielanie zvuku do TV. snad sa to potom spravi.
pripadne tu mas wiki: https://github.com/koying/SPMC/wiki/Reco...ith-4K-GUI je to sice nastavenie pre NVIDIA shield pre SPMC, ale plati to pre vsetky boxy a KODI. zaklad je tam ten isty....
hlavne toto je to, co som spominal: Videos > Playback > sync playback to display should always be set to off when using passthrough audio.
pripadne tu mas wiki: https://github.com/koying/SPMC/wiki/Reco...ith-4K-GUI je to sice nastavenie pre NVIDIA shield pre SPMC, ale plati to pre vsetky boxy a KODI. zaklad je tam ten isty....
hlavne toto je to, co som spominal: Videos > Playback > sync playback to display should always be set to off when using passthrough audio.
Viac info o Instalacii/Aktualizacii najdes na tomto linku.