před 3 hodin(y)
Ahojte chcel by som poziadat o doplnenie chybajucich dvoch casti z prvej serie serialu The Crow Girl.
Posielam nazvy vsetkych casti ktore by tam mali byt (momentalne sa v repe nachadzaju 1,2,5 a 6 -> chybaju casti 3 a 4).
S01E01 She Sees Herself from Above
S01E02 The Egg She Wishes to Crack
S01E03 She Wishes to Believe (chýba)
S01E04 The Dirt She Can't Bury (chýba)
S01E05 She Shoots for the King
S01E06 I'll See You There
Posielam nazvy vsetkych casti ktore by tam mali byt (momentalne sa v repe nachadzaju 1,2,5 a 6 -> chybaju casti 3 a 4).

S01E01 She Sees Herself from Above
S01E02 The Egg She Wishes to Crack
S01E03 She Wishes to Believe (chýba)
S01E04 The Dirt She Can't Bury (chýba)
S01E05 She Shoots for the King
S01E06 I'll See You There